Thursday, July 31, 2008

Speaks Truth

Jacob 4:13

We are required to make such huge life decisions when we are in our 20s. Think about it. School, career, spouse, lottery winnings seperation. Well, maybe not that one. School, career, and spouse are the three biggies.

When I was 19 I thought I wanted to be President of the United States. So, being the driven individual I am, I went to the University of Utah and started studying Political Science and History.

Then deployment.
Then home.

I learned I could never be a politician when I went to D.C. with my mom I saw the people in $1,000 suits, $300 shirts, and $120 ties and said, "I can't do this." I could also never be a lawyer because I felt my standards would have to be compromised.

I was sitting at work one day about a year after we got home and a little while after I got back from D.C. and something said, "Allison, you need to go back to school." Okay, I'll do just that. I started looking at my transcript seeing how many classes I needed so I could get into law school knowing full well it wasn't the correct life decision for me. Then again, "Allison, you need to go back to school to become a doctor to help other people like you." Other people like me? Oh, Psychiatry. All the best Psychiatrists are crazy so I'd fit right in (insert family and Army issues here).

The spirit can only speak in truth. He can't lie and what he says is told to us plainly. Not only does the spirit speak truth to us but it says that truth to prophets now and prophets of old (Article of Faith 9).

The spirit doesn't lie and it speaks of things as they are and as they will be. The spirit, or the Holy Ghost, is a member of the Godhead (Article of Faith 1). So he is bound by the same laws of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Since he chills with God he knows all things, he knows the decisions we are going to make, and he speaks confidence to those decisions (D&C 35:19).

It should be a goal of ours to live our lives in such a way that we can remain worthy of the presence (presents?) of that sacred member of the Godhead, even the Holy Ghost, so we can hear those promptings that are for the salvation of our souls.

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